Page 152 - The Handbook - Law Firm Networks 2018
P. 152
The Handbook - Law Firm Networks
Description:® operating in a global market, our lawyers
(“LexUniversal”), a corporation with tailor their approach to address clients’
headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, specific legal requirements. Our service is
U.S., is the only comprehensive website built around cost-effective advice while
designed to help lawyers achieve the fastest, maintaining a partner-led approach.
best, and most economical results possible
for their clients. Conceived by an inter- We have a proud history of acting for clients
national collaboration of legal pioneers in around the world. We have built an
2000,® is an elegantly international practice that provides clients
simple way for lawyers in more than 55 with a first-class service, wherever they are.
countries to participate in an instantaneous We are structured to advise clients from the
exchange of services and information. We U.K. from our London and Bristol offices,
are in full operation since September 2001 or through a local presence – either directly
with an increasing number of users. from our well-established office in Dublin or
in collaboration with our international® is not a law firm, does partners. This ensures clients receive the
not provide any kind of legal advice, and a most appropriate expertise.
fiduciary relationship is not created between
the user and the law firm participant of In the Middle East we can support clients in
LexUniversal. However, we possess the the projects and construction, insurance, and
capacity of linking the services of numerous technology sectors with the growing
international law professionals in a sole opportunities in this region through our links
forum, professionals who are able to provide with local law firms.
help and information on domestic and global
legal subjects. In Europe, we can draw upon local
knowledge – both legal and commercial –
Lexicom through our links with
the Lexicom Network, which includes some
Address: of the foremost law firms in the region.
Beale & Company
Garrick House In Africa, through our “best friends”
27-32 King Street relationship with ALN (Africa Legal
Covent Garden, WC2E 8JB, England Network), we provide clients with access to
U.K. local law providers in this area of significant
economic growth.
Contact: Michael J. Archer
Email: Lexwork International
Telephone: +44 020 7240 3474
Fax: +44 020 7240 9111 Address:
Website: 111 East Wacker Dr., Ste. 2800,
Chicago, IL 60601
Number of Firms: 17 U.S.
Number of Lawyers:
Regions: Europe Contact: Forbes Sargent
Description: The Beale & Company ethos Telephone: 617 646 2189
is about delivering a friendly and Website:
approachable service, with the commitment
that the needs of our clients come first – at Number of Firms: 48
every stage. Number of Lawyers: 2,100
Regions: Global
Our teams have specialist experience in the
specific business sectors of infrastructure, Description: Lexwork International is a
insurance, professions and technology. Thro network of 48 independent law firms located
ugh this we ensure that we deliver the depth in Europe, the U.S., Canada, Latin America,
of knowledge required by our clients – both and Asia. Lexwork members hold an annual
domestically and internationally. meeting that is held each autumn, as well as
a number of conference calls to provide
Our aim is to develop and maintain long- opportunities for networking and sharing
standing relationships with our expertise. Various working groups also hold
clients. Based on a strong understanding of regular conference calls focusing on specific
clients’ business needs and the challenges of areas of law.
Description:® operating in a global market, our lawyers
(“LexUniversal”), a corporation with tailor their approach to address clients’
headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, specific legal requirements. Our service is
U.S., is the only comprehensive website built around cost-effective advice while
designed to help lawyers achieve the fastest, maintaining a partner-led approach.
best, and most economical results possible
for their clients. Conceived by an inter- We have a proud history of acting for clients
national collaboration of legal pioneers in around the world. We have built an
2000,® is an elegantly international practice that provides clients
simple way for lawyers in more than 55 with a first-class service, wherever they are.
countries to participate in an instantaneous We are structured to advise clients from the
exchange of services and information. We U.K. from our London and Bristol offices,
are in full operation since September 2001 or through a local presence – either directly
with an increasing number of users. from our well-established office in Dublin or
in collaboration with our international® is not a law firm, does partners. This ensures clients receive the
not provide any kind of legal advice, and a most appropriate expertise.
fiduciary relationship is not created between
the user and the law firm participant of In the Middle East we can support clients in
LexUniversal. However, we possess the the projects and construction, insurance, and
capacity of linking the services of numerous technology sectors with the growing
international law professionals in a sole opportunities in this region through our links
forum, professionals who are able to provide with local law firms.
help and information on domestic and global
legal subjects. In Europe, we can draw upon local
knowledge – both legal and commercial –
Lexicom through our links with
the Lexicom Network, which includes some
Address: of the foremost law firms in the region.
Beale & Company
Garrick House In Africa, through our “best friends”
27-32 King Street relationship with ALN (Africa Legal
Covent Garden, WC2E 8JB, England Network), we provide clients with access to
U.K. local law providers in this area of significant
economic growth.
Contact: Michael J. Archer
Email: Lexwork International
Telephone: +44 020 7240 3474
Fax: +44 020 7240 9111 Address:
Website: 111 East Wacker Dr., Ste. 2800,
Chicago, IL 60601
Number of Firms: 17 U.S.
Number of Lawyers:
Regions: Europe Contact: Forbes Sargent
Description: The Beale & Company ethos Telephone: 617 646 2189
is about delivering a friendly and Website:
approachable service, with the commitment
that the needs of our clients come first – at Number of Firms: 48
every stage. Number of Lawyers: 2,100
Regions: Global
Our teams have specialist experience in the
specific business sectors of infrastructure, Description: Lexwork International is a
insurance, professions and technology. Thro network of 48 independent law firms located
ugh this we ensure that we deliver the depth in Europe, the U.S., Canada, Latin America,
of knowledge required by our clients – both and Asia. Lexwork members hold an annual
domestically and internationally. meeting that is held each autumn, as well as
a number of conference calls to provide
Our aim is to develop and maintain long- opportunities for networking and sharing
standing relationships with our expertise. Various working groups also hold
clients. Based on a strong understanding of regular conference calls focusing on specific
clients’ business needs and the challenges of areas of law.