P. 3
1619, the British bring 20 enslaved Africans to Jamestown
(Virginia) to work on plantations and it's considered in the
US as the first slaves brought in the British colonies.
1693, Carlos II, King of Spain granted freedom to slaves
seeking refuge in Spanish Territory, encouraging
runaways … a policy that aimed at undermining the British
plantations industry. Any escaped British slaves must
agree to convert to Catholicism and serve Spain in the
militia for four years.
1732, the British expended heir footprint on the east coast,
by creating Georgia, the 13 colony, as a buffer territory
between Carolina and the Spanish colony of Florida.
1738, the free black town of Gracia Real Santa Teresa de
Mose (Fort Mose) was established and became a
sanctuary of freedom for 25 years in the nascent America.
1763, Spain signed the 1st Treaty of Paris in order to
recover Cuba and the Philippines, lost to the British again
their territory in Florida…