Page 13 - The Queen of Califa
P. 13


                HARRISON OTIS                           GOVERNOR BURNETT                                MICHAEL WILSON


            40’s, reporter and future founder          50's, the first American Governor of           30's, a charming and classically
            of the Los Angles Times. He                the State and the first to resign after        trained lawyer who knows
            comes to report on the city's              one year. He was a former slave                Latin, Ancient Greek and was
            founding fathers and discovers a           owner from Kentucky. He pushed                 once a Lion of the courtroom.
            world rich in stories and people,          for the exclusion of blacks from               But alcohol has destroyed the
            which makes him decide to stay.            California and declared that warfare           once great legal mind. He is
                                                       would not cease with Native                    what is left of Judge Hayes's
            Inspired by various newspapers in          Americans "until the Indian race               firm.
            that region.                               becomes extinct“.

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