Page 10 - ISABEL PD (ENG)
P. 10


                                                                                                  The first husband of Isabel Allende and father of her two children.

                                                                                                  Played by

                                                                                                  NÉSTOR CANTILLANA

                                                                                                  Chilean actor with a long career in film, television and theater,
                                                                                                  including in Canada and Germany. Néstor has acted under the

                                                                                                  orders of directors such as Andrés Wood, Pablo Larraín, Sebastián
                                                                                                  Lelio and Valeria Sarmiento. In 2011, he participated in the HBO

                                                                                                  series Prófugos and has been part of several of the most

                                                                                                  successful TV series in Chile. He has been awarded several times as
                                                                                                  one of the best actors in the medium.
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