Page 109 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 109
Dear students Message for students,
I know how bravely you faced the phase of Don't listen to those, who
covid19. I am proud of everyone. This period tell you - "Stop Dreaming
in your life has taught you a great lesson of
being together and support each other at all and Face Reality", keep
times. dreaming but make sure
So being a good human being for our nature you do whatever it takes to
and society should always be your priority. make it a reality. Each
Wishing you all best of luck for your future moment of life is precious,
endeavours. so - Be HAPPY and think
Jaymala Singh
TGT N. Science
वप्रय छारौं,
पतझड हए त्रबना पेडौं पर नए पि े
नहीं आते, कहठनाई और संघर्ा क े Dear students
त्रबना अच्छ हदन नहीं आते l Always remember your duties towards the
समय और सशक्षा का सही उपयोग ही nation and society while talking the
व्यजक्त को सफल बनाता है अत: rights. Nations start to dig their own
तनरतर पररश्रम करते रहहए l graves when the Ciitizens talk more of
human rights and less of duties.
माया मीना -Jagdish Prasad Arya
( हहंदी अध्यावपका ) Lecturer English
Dear students
Value time and it can be your best प्यार बच्चौं,
friend or worst enemy depending जीतूगा में यह खुद से वादा करो,
on whether you use it or waste it. जजतना सोचते हो कोसशश उसस ज्जयादा करो, े
तकदीर भी ऱूठ पर हहम्मत ना ट ू ट,
Seema Jain मजबूत इतना अपना इरादा करो।
TGT (Natural Science) जीत क े सलए जुनून चाहहए आत्मववश्वास रगौं
में खूब चाहहए, यह आसमान भी आएगा
जमीन पर, बस इरादौं में जीत की गूज चाहहए।
Dear students, सववता दहहया
"Work hard for what you want because it प्रवक्ता हहंदी
won't come to you without a fight.You
have to be strong and courageous and
know that you can do anything you put
your mind to. If someone criticises you,
just keep on believing in yourself and
turn it into something positive.” -Sunil
TGT(Social Science)
Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.