Page 3 - newsletter Week 12
P. 3

From The Headmaster’s Desk


                             Shaun Stockden

       Dear Parents,

       I would like to extend my thanks to those of you who were able to attend our information session on the upcoming
 HeadMaster’s Desk  project exhibition I hope there was a lot of information which you found helpful. One of the biggest messages I

 03    hope you took away was the need for children to work independently, and whilst we appreciate your support in

 Entry Point         their learning, this project has been developed to increase our students’ independent learning skills.
 03    Developing independence in children’s learning is crucial for their overall development. When children are able to
       take responsibility for their own learning, they become more engaged, confident, and motivated to explore and
 Force and Motion  acquire knowledge.

       One of the main reasons why developing independence in children’s learning is important is because it fosters a
 The Digital Realm
 12    sense of ownership and autonomy. When children have the freedom to choose their own
       learning activities and take charge of their own learning process, they become active participants rather than

 Crafting Moments  passive recipients. This sense of ownership ultimately leads to a deeper understanding and
 16    retention of the material.

 The Regent This Week  Independence in learning also promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills. When children are empowered
 18    to make their own decisions, they are more likely to develop their analytical and logical thinking skills. They learn

 Nurse’s Corner  to evaluate and analyze information, make connections, and find solutions to challenges on their own.
 20    Furthermore, developing independence in children’s learning helps to nurture their self-confidence and
       self-esteem. When children are able to accomplish tasks independently, they develop a sense of pride and ac-
 House Points  complishment, which in turn boosts their self-confidence. This confidence then spills over into other areas of their
 23    lives, making them more capable and resilient individuals.

 Calendar    In addition, independence in learning prepares children for the future. As they grow older and enter the work-
       force, they will be required to solve problems, think critically, and take ownership of their work. By developing

 Student Nationalities    these skills early on, children are better equipped to navigate the challenges and complexities of the real world.
 24    To foster independence in children’s learning, it is important for parents and educators to provide a
       supportive and empowering environment. This can be done by giving children opportunities to make choices,
       encouraging them to seek answers independently, and providing them with the necessary tools and resources to

       succeed. This project is a perfect opportunity to develop these crucial traits in our children.

       In conclusion, developing independence in children’s learning is of utmost importance. It not only enhances their
       academic performance but also equips them with essential life skills. By nurturing their sense of ownership,
       critical thinking abilities, and self-confidence, we are setting them up for success in all
       aspects of their lives. Once again I thank you for your continued support and hope to see you all at the exhibition
       on Wednesday 27th March.

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