Page 4 - newsletter Week 12
P. 4



    BIT    S AND B              YTES

       “Explore the doorway to

     knowledge and creativity at
   Wow, the day has already passed,
              Bit and Bytes!
   The year 9 options day took place
    Every step forward leads to a
   on Friday the 26th of May. My dream
   is to become a dermatologist but I
   world of endless possibilities.
   wasn’t really sure how to go about
     Lets ignite your curiosity as
   picking my subjects for KS4 the ca-
      we embark on an exciting
   reers fair
       journey of learning and

            growth with us!”

                                    THE REGENT SCHOOL                                                             4 4                                                 THE REGENT SCHOOL                                                     5
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