Page 16 - The Regent College April Edition
P. 16
Academic misconduct is In addition, it is not
defined as ‘Any action or acceptable for you to submit
attempted action that may work which you have either
result in creating an unfair put out to tender or bought,
academic advantage or either ‘off the shelf’ or
disadvantage for any other specifically written, and
member(s) of the academic submit it as your own work,
community.’ this is known as contract The college’s
approach to
The college expects that academic misconduct
you follow professional The college takes cases of is to develop learning
academic guidelines. It is academic misconduct and understanding,
never acceptable to use the extremely seriously and without prejudice,
words of others including seeks to ensure that they are depending on the
material sourced from the dealt with efficiently and severity of the
internet without explicit appropriately. offence.
acknowledgement. To do so
would not be seen as a
mark of disrespect but as
academic misconduct.