Page 20 - The Regent College April Edition
P. 20
My name is Esohe, I The skills I learnt at the Being able to show integrity
graduated from The Regent college such as time and work as part of a team to
College Abuja in 2021 after management also helped me provide patient-centered
completing my A-levels. because being able to study care has been worthwhile.
independently is very
Studying at the college important in university. I am currently in my 3rd year
before starting my degree and I look forward to
helped me immensely when I As part of our extra curricular continuing to use the
started my pharmacy course. activities at the Regent knowledge and skills I
Pharmacy involves a lot of College, we had sessions on acquired at the college to
chemistry and human team work, integrity and excel and finish my degree
biology, as I had already giving back to the successfully.
studied most of the topics community. As someone
during A-levels at the Regent studying a health and life
College, it was easy for me to science course, these are the
get ahead and learn better in building blocks of the
classes. degree.