Page 22 - The Regent College April Edition
P. 22

STAYING SAFE                                                        The  internet  plays  a  big  part
                                                                            in a student’s life. So whether
        Online                                                              you’re  conducting  research

                                                                            for  your  studies,  buying

                                                                            course  books,  or  keeping  in
                                                                            touch with friends, make sure

                                                                            you stay cyber-safe.

   While you may feel that you're well versed in the              Keep  all  your  records  of  online  transactions
   digital  world,  there  are  a  number  of  common             private.
   pitfalls that students can fall prey to. On the pages
   below,  you  will  find  potential  risks  and  how  to    If  criminals  find  out  your  personal  details,  they
   avoid them, from dating app difficulties to cyber          may be able to use them to open bank accounts or
   scams,  learn  how  you  can  keep  yourself  safe         loans.  Information  that  is  helpful  to  criminals
   online.                                                    includes  your  name,  date  of  birth,  address,

                                                              National  Insurance  number  (NIN)  and  bank  and
       Use  secure  computers  with  updated  security        debit card details.
       software.                                                  Dispose  of  documents  that  contain  personal
       Only shop on trusted and reputable sites; look             details. Use a shredder if possible.
       for the padlock symbol.                                    Report a lost passport, drivers license or debit

       Keep log-in details and passwords private.                 card to the issuer immediately.
       Never  publish  personal  details  such  as  your          If you use the internet, always use a different
       name  and  address  online  –  and  don’t  give            password for each account.
       them out to people you haven’t met in real life.
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