Page 3 - The_Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 22
P. 3

From the
 Content                            Editorial Desk

                                                                                       Valentine Thomas | Editor

                                            every Friday should be ‘Feel

                                                           Good Friday’.

                                                           he legendary James Brown might have felt
                                                           the way I did last Friday when he sang the
                                                           song titled “I Got You (I Feel Good)”. It was
                                                T ‘Feel Good Friday’ in the school which was
                                                organised by the Proprietress, Mrs A. You needed to
                                                be there to catch the feeling too. Anyway, you can
                                                still get the gist of it when you click to pages 10-13
                                                and agree with me that every Friday should be ‘Feel

                                                Good Friday’.

                                                Hearing the word ‘crack’ would connote different
                                                things to different people. To me, it simply takes me
                                                to the kitchen where eggs are cracked. When that
                                                happens I believe you know the possible outcomes.
                                                The Mathematics faculty has decided to crack… or

                                                rather, make you crack something. Just turn to page
                                                15 and you will find out. The outcome will depend on
                                                how you end up doing the ‘cracking’.

                                                The Medical Corner this week advises us to ‘Stress
                                                Less and Live More’. How you can achieve this is de-
                                                tailed on pages 22 and 23. Another way to fight the
                                                stress is by reading The Regent Digest which I be-
                                                lieve you are doing right now. Please carry on.

                                            THE REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL                                           3
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