Page 8 - The_Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 22
P. 8

FROM THE                                                                                           Preparing for the
     PRINCIPAL’S                                                                                        BSO Inspection

        7. Celebrating the School’s Achievements
                                                                    Your engagement, whether
          Students should know the school’s recent
          successes in academics, sports, and ex-                in discussions with inspectors
          tracurricular activities. Knowing these ac-
          complishments will help them confidently                    or daily school activities,
          discuss what makes The Regent School                       is crucial to our collective
        8. Involving Students in Creating Displays

          Students  can  contribute  to  showcasing
          the school’s excellence by assisting in
          preparing  classroom  displays  and  pre-                  As we  approach  the BSO inspection, we
          sentations that highlight their work, cre-                 appreciate the active participation of both
          ativity, and achievements.                                 parents and students in presenting The
                                                                     Regent Secondary School as a  centre of
        9. Encouraging Feedback and Reflection                       excellence.

          Students are encouraged to share their
                                                                     Your engagement, whether in discussions
          thoughts on their educational experienc-
                                                                     with inspectors or daily school activities,
          es through surveys or student council dis-
                                                                     is crucial to our collective success. Should
          cussions. Their feedback helps improve
                                                                     you have any questions or require further
          learning and school life.
                                                                     clarification, please do not hesitate to con-
                                                                     tact the school administration.
        10. Supporting Students’ Emotional Well-Being

           We recognise that some students may                       Thank you for your unwavering support.
           feel anxious about the inspection. Teach-
           ers and staff are available to address any
           concerns and reassure students that the
           inspection aims to highlight their strengths
           and ensure the school’s continued growth.

                                                                                        Philip Reynolds

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