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For beginners, the A1.1 and A1 levels test
basic communication skills such as introduc-
ing oneself, asking for directions, and ordering
food in French. As candidates progress to
higher levels, the exam becomes more chal-
lenging, requiring them to express opinions,
participate in discussions, and understand
complex texts.
Preparing for the A1.1 level of the DELF
exam requires a solid understanding of basic
French vocabulary, grammar, and pronuncia-
tion. The listening section assesses the candi-
date’s ability to understand spoken French in
various everyday situations. The reading sec-
tion evaluates comprehension of written texts,
while the writing section tests the ability to
express ideas in writing. The speaking section
involves a one-to-one conversation with an valuable tool for measuring and improving your
examiner, where the candidate must demon- French language proficiency.
strate their speaking skills by answering ques-
tions and engaging in a dialogue. We are very proud of our student’s dedication
and hard work; if your child has registered to
Achieving a DELF certification can enhance sit the exam, please support them by getting
a young person’s career prospects, increase them into school early and encouraging them to
their chances of studying abroad, and boost study at home.
confidence in communicating in French. As Have a wonderful week, everyone.
children move onto Secondary education, they Kind Regards.
can continue to develop their skills by sitting
the higher levels of the A2, B, and C exams. Dominique Dyer.
So, whether you are a student, professional,
or language enthusiast, the DELF exam is a