P. 13

5.  Logging
               Several logging utilities have been implemented to provide administrators with actionable alerts and
               the ability to respond dynamically to specific attacks. Our servers and network devices are currently
               configured to send log files to a central repository, and log data is stored primarily to assist with
               forensic work following the discovery of a breach.
            6.  Regulatory Compliance
               The issues outlined above have a significant impact on the school's ability to comply with various
               regulatory requirements both within and outside of Nigeria.

        Recommendation Summary

              Enhance and implement the  school IT security strategic plan, policies, processes, and services to
                protect critical IT resources and sensitive information.
              Ensure that personal and sensitive student, academic, and staff information is secure.
              Implement measures to comply with the school’s IT Policy for all staff.

              Ensure compliance with all privacy and information security laws and regulations.
              Provide appropriate and secure access to those who require access to data and information to make
                informed decisions and perform the responsibilities of their work.

        Key Benefits to the school
            ●  Maintains the confidentiality of personally identifiable information
            ●  Minimizes the risk of data loss or system downtime.
            ●  Adheres  to  the  worldwide  school's  Institutional  Data  Management  and  Information  Security
               policy, which states:
                          ■  The value of institutional data is increased through widespread and appropriate use; its
                              value is diminished through misuse, misinterpretation, or unnecessary use.

                          ■  Data users will be granted secure access to view or query all institutional data based on a
                              “need to know” basis in order for the individual or school organisation to carry out all
                              legitimate  administrative,  health  care,  research,  academic,  and  other  official
                              responsibilities  related  to  the  school's  mission,  including  but  not  limited  to  planning,
                              decision-making, and official responsibilities
            ●   Empowers decision-making at all levels of school leadership.

        IT STRATEGIC FOCUS FOR 2021-2025                                                                          13
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