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in Year 5 and 6 are separated into History and Geography. The tests questions are written
by the class teachers to cover the work they have studied so far. The questions are written
A Message from in a Cambridge exam style which is something the children are very familiar with. In year
3 the emphasis is very much about having a go and becoming familiar with timed tests.
MRS. DYER So, why is it important?
Exams play an essential role in helping children develop independent study skills, which
are critical for their academic growth and preparation for future assessments, such as the
HEAD OF SCHOOL Year 6 Cambridge Primary Checkpoint and secondary school exams. They provide an
opportunity for children to take responsibility for their learning, practice organising their
time, and develop strategies to retain and apply knowledge effectively. For Year 3 students,
these tests are their first experience with formal assessments, making this a valuable
Dear Parents, opportunity to introduce them to exam techniques in a supportive and low-pressure
We are quickly approaching the end of term; the Key Stage 2 children have begun environment. By practicing now, they build familiarity with test formats and learn how to
their end of term Control tests and are making us very proud with their positive manage their time and focus, laying the foundation for confident and capable test-taking
attitude to learning. We have a busy last few weeks with lots of end of term activities. as they progress through their educational journey.
Still to come this term we have:- How can parents help?
• Wednesday 4th December – Year 3 Roman Day 1) Create a Positive Revision Environment
• Friday 6th December – Reports sent to parents • Designate a Study Space: Ensure the revision area is quiet, comfortable, and free
• Saturday 7th December - International Day of Food and Culture held at the from distractions like TVs or excessive noise.
REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL, Mabushi. • Set a Routine: Establish regular study times, breaking revision into manageable
• Tuesday 10th / Wednesday 11th – Parent Teacher Conferences. chunks with short breaks to maintain focus.
• Thursday 12th December – Early Years Teddy Bears Picnic. • Provide Resources: Make sure they have the resources recommended by the
• Friday 13th December – End of term: School closes at 11 am. teacher, this may be notes on the Google classroom or in their exercise books.
• Stay positive and relaxed, if you are anxious your child will pick up on this and
Cambridge Control Tests start to worry.
For those of you who are new to Abuja Prep, or have children in Year 3, our end of 2) Balancing Work and Wellbeing
term Control Tests may seem daunting for our younger pupils. I would like to share • Encourage Rest: Ensure your child gets enough sleep, particularly before
why we hold these end of term tests and reassure you that your children are more assessments.
than prepared for these. • Incorporate Play: Balance revision with physical activity or creative play to keep
Our end of term Control tests are set for the subjects English, Maths, Science, their mind active and healthy.
French, and Nigerian studies. In Years 3 and 4 they also have a test for Theme. Theme • Celebrate Effort: Praise hard work and progress to build confidence and a
positive attitude toward learning.
3) General Revision Strategies
• Create a revision timetable in short manageable chunks with plenty of rest breaks.
• Provide Sticky Notes or revision cards for key points.
• Color Coding: Use highlighters or colored tabs for key areas to focus on.
Your child’s teacher will be providing lots of guidance so please reach out to them if
you have any questions.
Have a good week everyone.
Kind Regards
Dominique Dyer.