Page 23 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 36
P. 23

Medical Corner  Know and have accessible important

       phone numbers, such as emergency re-

       sponse teams, poison control, and family
 ENSURING  Additional behaviours, such as refraining

       from cigarette smoking in the home can
       reduce multiple health risks to children
 SAFETY  and adults including chronic health im-
       pacts (asthma) as well as unintentional
       injury — residential fires caused by smok-

 STRATEGIES FOR INJURY  ing  materials  (including  cigarettes)  are
       the leading cause of fire-related death.
 PREVENTION IN THE   Creating a safer home environment will

 ENVIRONMENT  serve not only to lower the risk of children

       and adult unintentional injury but also to
       assist in the establishment of an overall

 DEFINITION OF TERMS  lthough unintentional injuries are by   healthier home and school environment.
 definition  accidental,  there  are  ba-
 A sic precautions that can be taken in
 INJURY:  Injury  is  physiological  damage
 the environment to help limit the conditions
 to the living tissue of any organism. Inju-
 conducive to injury:
 ries can be caused in many ways, such as
 mechanically with penetration by sharp
 •  Properly and consistently use safety devic-
 objects such as teeth or blunt objects, by
 es such as smoke detectors, bicycle hel-
 heat or cold, or by venoms and biotoxins.
 mets, gates, and child-proof  containers
 SAFETY: Safety is the state of being “safe”,   and latches.
 the  condition  of  being  protected  from
 harm or other danger. Safety can also re-  •  Actively supervise children’s activities, in-
 fer to the control of recognized hazards to   cluding continuously monitoring children
 achieve an acceptable level of risk.  while  they are  in or  near water  and  gen-
 erally restricting children’s access to areas
 PREVENTION: Is any action taken to keep
 containing potentially hazardous materi-
 people healthy, and prevent or avoid the
 als or objects.
 risk of poor health, illness, injury, and early
 •  Keep other dangerous items out of chil-
                                       IFEDOLA OPESAN
 dren’s reach, such as knives, handles from
 pots on the stove, hot liquids, and cords to   SCHOOL NURSE
 appliances and window treatments.

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