Page 18 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 27
P. 18


        COMPETITION                                                                    Yolana Renna   | Year 7 Benue
                                                                                                             Article by

                                                                 n the 4th of March, I participated in the In-
                                                                 ter-House Swimming Competition, and it was
                                                       O so cool! I will be honest, I was quite nervous
                                                        about participating because this is the first compe-
                                                        tition I have ever been chosen to do, but I stood tall
                                                        and put on a brave face.

                                                        When the day of the competition came I was dis-
                                                        tracted in class waiting for the competition to start
                                                        but when it did I started feeling extremely nervous,
                                                        but I was glad I had friends competing alongside
                                                        me. They helped me realise that this competition
                                                        wasn’t just about winning or losing, but that it was
                                                        about having fun and enjoying ourselves! And I did
                                                        have fun and enjoyed myself. Even though I came
                                                        second instead of first in my race, I still ended the

                                                        day with a smile on my face.

                                                        Overall, to me, the competition was a success. My
                                                        house came first, my friends and I had a great time
                                                        and I felt really good for supporting my house.

     Even though I came

     second instead of

     first in my race, I still

     ended the day with a

     smile on my face.

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