Page 4 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 30
P. 4

From the
                                            Prinicpal’s Desk                                                                     ject they do not really like because they think it
                                                                                                                                 might be an easy option or because a friend is

                                                                                                                                 doing  it.  If  you  have  a  son/daughter  in  Year  9
                                                                                                                                 please talk to them about their subject choices
                                                                                                                                 for Years 10 and 11 and help them to make the                        pupils need to
                                                                                                                                 right subject choices.                                             achieve at least
                                                                                                                                                                                                 60% in English and
                                                                ject. We all wish them the very best in the ex-                  Today we celebrated the achievements of out-
                                                                aminations they will be sitting. It is important                 standing  pupils  in  the  After  School  Activities              Mathematics and
                                                                that over the next two months they do not let                    Accolades  Assembly.  Co-curricular  activities
                                                                other things distract them. They need to keep                    play an important part in building rounded and                   an overall average
                 Robert Franklin                                focused  on  the  task  at  hand  and  leave  The                wholistic citizens of the future. They are import-
                                                                Regent Secondary School with excellent IGCSE                     ant in developing social skills, building self-con-              of 60% in all their

                                                                grades that will set them up for the next stage                  fidence and developing leadership skills. Many
       Dear Parents,                                            of their journey through education.                              congratulations  to  all  pupils  who  received  an                        subjects.

                                                                                                                                 accolade today.
               his week all the pupils from Year 7 to
               Year  10  have  been  busy  writing  the                                                                          This  Friday  afternoon  and  Saturday  morning
                                                                           It is important
      T end-of-term examinations. These ex-                                                                                      we have PTC Day. Please take full advantage of               aims to ensure that The Regent Second-
      aminations  form  a  significant  proportion  of                                                                           this  opportunity  to  meet  your  son/daughter’s            ary School is meeting the standards set by

      the final termly grade and there has been an                          that over the                                        teachers. I would like to remind you that to pass            the BSO and it is an important verification
      atmosphere of study before the examinations                                                                                through to next year pupils need to achieve at               by an independent and objective outside
                                                                        next two months
      and excited reflection afterwards.                                                                                         least  60%  in  English  and  Mathematics  and  an           educational body that The Regent School
                                                                           they do not let                                       overall  average  of  60%  in  all  their  subjects.  In     is a school of quality. I will be giving you
      It was wonderful to welcome all the pupils back                                                                            Year 10, to pass into Year 11 pupils also need to            more  information  about  the  visit  nearer
      to school for Term 3 on Monday. This promis-                           other things                                        have  a  passing  grade  of  60%  or  over  in  three        the time and I am sure that he will want to
      es to be an exciting term packed full of activi-                                                                           subjects  apart  from  English  and  Mathematics.            speak with pupils and parents, especially
                                                                           distract them.
      ties and events. Some of the highlights include                                                                            This is to ensure that they are prepared to pass             those on the Student Council, the student
      Shakespeare  and  Book  Week,  the  Boarding                                                                               at least five IGCSE subjects in Year 11. After two           leaders and some members of the FORSS.

      Master Chef competition and the Inter-School                                                                               terms you, as a parent, should have a good idea
      Basketball Competition.                                                                                                    about the progress your son/daughter is mak-                 Once  again,  a  warm  welcome  back  for
                                                                Next week, the Year 9 pupils will sit the Check-                 ing and know if they are on target to meet those             Term 3 and thank you all for your support.
      For the Year 11 pupils this is the final sprint to        point Examinations and will be going through                     criteria.
      the  finish  line,  with  their  IGCSE  Examinations      the  process  of  taster  lessons  and  finalising
      already underway in some practical subjects               their IGCSE subject choices for next year. Pu-                   On the 4th, 5th and 6th June, we will have a For-
      and  with  the  written  examination  schedule            pils  should  take  full  advantage  of  the  taster             mal Pre-Inspection Visit carried out by  a rep-

      starting next Friday. This is the time the pupils         lessons and make wise choices based on their                     resentative of Penta, who will be carrying out a
      need to put in that extra effort and really make          ability in a subject and their passion for that                  British Schools Overseas (BSO) Inspection in No-
      sure that they are well-prepared in every sub-            subject. They should not choose to do a sub-                     vember 2024. This is a very important visit, which

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