Page 7 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 30
P. 7


        How to Make the

        Most of Term 3


 Welcome   A coming Dance Competition, Inter-School Basketball Tournament, Boarding
                    s we embark on term three, there’s a plethora of events and activities await-
                    ing us. Get ready to showcase your talents and competitive spirit in the up-

 Address   Singing Competition, and, of course, the highly anticipated Graduation ceremony.

           These events promise to be moments of celebration and achievement, so mark your

           calendars and get ready to participate with enthusiasm and passion.

           Now, as we dive into the final term of the school year, here are a few tips for making
 elcome  back  to  Term  3!  Can  you  believe   the most of it:
 how fast time has flown by? It feels just like
 W yesterday we were starting the school year.
             Stay Organised
 Last term was filled with some amazing activities! From
 the  long-awaited  Funfair  to  various  sports  competi-                        Embrace
 tions, crowned with the Inter-House Sport Competition,                      Challenges

 and remember the Prefect hustings? It was so exciting   Staying organized is crucial. Keep
 to see our students bravely putting themselves in the   track of deadlines and commit-  Approach them with openness and
 spotlight. The announcement of the new student lead-  ments to balance academics and   lenges head-on is key to personal
                                                               a willingness to learn. Facing chal-
 ers was such a proud moment for our school.  extracurriculars effectively.  development.

 Term 3 promises just as much, if not more. Get ready
 for more fun activities, new challenges, and oppor-
 tunities to learn and grow. I’m sure you’ll find some-   Make Memories
 SA’ADATU   thing that sparks your interest!  Stay Connected  events, try new things, and

                                                      Make Term 3 memorable. Join
 The  Year  11s  and  Year  9s  have  been  working  hard,
 MAHEY  preparing for their examinations, and we wish them   Value the friendships and connec-  classmates and teachers.
        tions you’ve formed this year. Sup-
                                                      savour every moment with your
        port  and  encourage  your  peers,
 all the success in the world. We’re super excited to
 RASHEED  see how the new student leadership will make a pos-  and reach out for help if you need it.
        We’re all in this together.
 itive impact on our school.

 Wishing  our  school  community  an  incredible  term
 STUDENT COUNCIL   filled with growth, success, and memorable experi-  JORDAN OGBETUO
 PRESIDENT  ences. Let’s make term 3 the best one yet!

                                                                  HEAD GIRL

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