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As part of this commitment, Mrs Ajayi and Ms Goje updated their Designated Safeguarding
                                                                Following our midterm break, Ms Goje and                   Lead (DSL) training through the Safeguarding Alliance last week. In addition to DSL training,
                                                                I will be holding our Consultation for next
        A Message from                                          year’s school development plan. This is an                 the Madrassa staff also attended Level 2 Safeguarding and Child Protection training, all receiv-
                                                                                                                           ing certificates. This training is vital in ensuring that staff members know the signs of abuse
        MRS. DYER                                               important meeting where parents get to hear                and know how to report any concerns that may arise. Investing in training and education can
                                                                about some of the developments we are look-
                                                                                                                           create a safer environment for children and vulnerable adults. By raising awareness, providing
        HEAD OF SCHOOL                                          ing to make at Abuja Prep next academic year               training, and fostering collaboration, we can make a safer and more secure environment for
                                                                and have their say about what they would like              everyone.

                                                                to see there. Following the online meeting, we
                                                                will send out our annual parent survey to all              If you have any concerns or would like to speak to someone, please contact a member of our
                                                                parents. We look forward to seeing you.                    Safeguarding Team.
                                                                                                                           Designated Safeguarding Lead  - Mrs Ajayi

                                                                Coming Soon                                                Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads – Mrs Dyer and Ms Goje.

                                                                                                                           Board member for Safeguarding Mrs Ibrahim.
                                                                •  French DELF exam: A1.1 Tuesday, May
                                                                    28th                                                   We wish you all a wonderful, safe, and happy midterm break with your families and look for-

                                                                •  Mid Term break: Monday 27th May-Friday                  ward to welcoming you back to school on Monday, June 3rd.
                                                                    May 31st
                                                                •  French DELF exam: A1 Tuesday, June

                                                                •  Parent Consultation for 2024-2025 School
                                                                    Development Plan – Online Meeting
                                                                    Thursday, June 6th at 10 am.

      Dear Parents,
                                                                Safeguarding Awareness Week: Promoting

      What a wonderful week! It was lovely to wel-              Safety and Well-being
      come so many of you to our Music concerts                 Safeguarding Awareness Week is an important
      this week. We are so proud of the children’s              initiative to raise awareness and promote the
      performances.                                             importance of safeguarding in our schools.

                                                                In today’s society, everyone must have the
      A huge thank you to Mr Abel, who has worked               right to feel safe and protected from harm
      tirelessly to ensure the children were prepared           or abuse. The TES Safeguarding Awareness
      and confident. Their joy and excitement stood             Week serves as a reminder to individuals and

      out. Having opportunities to perform for an               organisations to prioritise the well-being and
      audience is an integral part of our music cur-            safety of our children.
      riculum, so thank you for being here this week.
      Thank you for your beautiful comments; it is              At Abuja Prep, Safeguarding is paramount.

      good to hear you enjoyed the concerts as much             Every staff member receives annual training
      as we did.                                                and holds a level 2 certificate in Child Protec-
                                                                tion and Safeguarding. Safeguarding is every-
      Many of our pupils will sit their DELF exam               one’s responsibility.

      next week; we wish them the best of luck and
      know they will make us proud.

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