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REA              D, W                 RIT            E INC.
                     READ, WRITE INC.

                          FROM THE INTERVENTION DEPARTMENT
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     Read Write Inc Phonics is a proven synthetic phonics programme that ensures early success in
     reading, writing and spelling.

     During our phonics lessons, we teach students about digraph sounds. A digraph is two letters
     that combine to make one sound. We have consonant and vowel digraphs. Digraph words can
     be easy to decode and read if children can understand what the particular digraph sounds like.

     Once children know this, it becomes easy for them to read words by themselves.
     The child captured is reading and spelling words with ‘sh’, which makes the sound /sh/.

     Sight words sorted by phonics skills make learning words more logical and less memorizing. At

     the point when a child can blend sounds, help the child understand what two sounds like, ‘a’
     and ‘y’, can make together. They make the /ay/ sound.

     We have the split digraphs, two letters that make one sound but are separated within the word

     by another letter. ‘a-e’, ‘i-e’, and ‘o-e’ are split digraphs. This child is reading and spelling words
     using the sounds ‘ay’ and ‘a-e’, which makes the sound /ay/. English is a complicated language!

     Children in Intervention, learning their sounds, have shown impressive improvements and,

     before long, get to join the others in higher groups.

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