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P. 39

how was the experience ?
 how was the experience ?                       KHADEERUN DASUKI

                                                Honestly, my crazy weekend was pretty nice. My buddy
                                                and the boarders are very nice.
                                                We played football and did a lot of fun things like scouts.
                                                We played a lot. The boys from Regent Primary were a
                                                bit mischievous as they kept switching the lights and try-
 JANAAN NAGOGO MOHAMMED                         ing to scare me. However, I enjoyed myself all through

 The Regent Crazy Weekend was nothing short of unfor-  the weekend spent with the boarders.
 gettable from start to finish. It was wild, energetic, and
 pure fun. We kicked off with a crazy night full of laugh-

 ter and bonding. The dorms brought everyone together,
 creating a sense of community that made the experience
 even more special. The aroma of the sizzling suya filled
 the air, adding a delicious touch to the night.   OJINGWA UKOHA

 The next day, we dove into sports activities that got   When I arrived, I was assigned a buddy who helped me
 everyone moving and cheering. The competitive spirit   settle in and feel comfortable. My buddy was super nice
 inside everyone was contagious! As the sun set, the night   and welcoming. We had a lot of great, engaging activities

      to partake in, like Badminton,  Arts and crafts, dance,
 came alive again with vibrant music and dancing-every-
 one let loose and enjoyed the rhythm. The weekend   Crazy Costume night, Barbecue, and many more. The

 reached ended with a treasure hunt. Searching for clues,   facilities are great, with lots of space to do wonderful
 solving riddles, and racing against the clock brought   things, and I enjoyed exploring the building when going
 out the adventurer in all of us. It was a weekend that   to and from multiple activities. Overall, I had a wonderful
 left us with amazing memories!  experience and thank the Regent Secondary School for
      giving me this amazing opportunity.

 I loved the crazy weekend, especially the football, the   CHUKWUBUIKEM NWODO
 hostel, and the food. I liked the computers, two pianos,   When we arrived at the school, we went to our respective
 and one TV in the common room. The food was deli-  hostels, and mine was Obi. The borders there were much
 cious, and I also enjoyed the treasure hunt.
                                                 nicer and more welcoming than I had expected. I went to
                                                 my room, and a few minutes later, the Regents Primary
                                                 kids arrived. Their names were Fareed, Jude, and Yusuf.
 AYOTOMI LAWAL                                   Then we participated in evening sports, and I played bas-
                                                 ketball, which was fun. Afterwards, we had dinner, which
 My crazy weekend experience was exciting and fun. I   consisted of yam and chicken—so delicious!
 loved everything about it, from the hostel to the activ-

 ities down to the food and the facilities. The boarding   The next day, we woke up and went for morning sports,
 students were very nice and welcoming, and when we   where I played table tennis. After that, we had breakfast,
 arrived, they assigned a buddy to me. He was helpful and   featuring even more delicious toast. We then started our

 was there for me for all the important things, so it was   prep and had shawarma, fries, and ice cream for lunch.
 a really nice boarding experience. I would love to do it   To sum it all up, my experience was wonderful, and I
 again.                                          can’t wait to come back!

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