Page 41 - Blossoms 19 29012025
P. 41


 My crazy weekend experience was amazing. The staff were
 kind and welcoming, especially the boarders and my buddie   MAHMOUD IBRAHIM LAWAL
 buddy Josephine.    Firstly, I arrived at the school by bus and saw the vice
 When I arrived, they took us to our room, and I got a room   principal, who was very kind and nice. Then I got my
 with my friends (Janaan, Ojingwa and  Khadijah). We un-
 packed our suitcase and went to the common room- the   luggage and was escorted to my hostel by my buddy, and
 common room is a room where you wait for people before   my hostel was Dan Fodio. Then, I went to my room and
 you leave your hostel. When everyone was ready, we went for   started unpacking, and by the time I finished, it was time
 dinner.   for dinner. I then went to the dining hall and had yam

 For dinner, we ate yam and tomato sauce with chicken. The   and tomato sauce, which was very delicious. Then I left
 yam was hard, and the chicken was nice. After that, we en-  for night sports. I played basketball and enjoyed it. Then
 tered a line and went for evening activities. A lot of people   we went back to our hostels and went to bed.
 were dancing, especially the girls, while the boys played foot-
 ball. As a snack, they gave us chicken and coke.   When I got to my hostel and room, I couldn’t sleep that
 After that, I took a shower and went to bed. In the morning the next day, I took a shower, brushed my   entire night because I wasn’t sleepy at all. At 5 am, they woke everyone up for prayer, and after
 teeth, dressed up and got ready for the day. For breakfast, we ate French Toast and drank tea. We then   that, they told us to sleep, which I still couldn’t. After that, I left for the dining room.

 went for morning sports, which was badminton.    For breakfast, I had French toast with honey and hot chocolate. We could also get golden morn,
 It was amazing, and I would love to come back again.
    but I stuck to the French toast and hot chocolate. Then we went for prep, which was a time when
    you would read books and do homework, which I did.

 Day 1   Then I went for lunch. They gave us shawarma, ice cream, and fries, which was super good, and
 We arrived at Regent Secondary School at 4 p.m. after school   we went for our various activities. I did art, where I made a lamp.
 had ended. Once we reached Regent, we headed to our hos-
 tels with our belongings. Everyone had a buddy, and mine   On the final day, I was finally able to sleep. When I woke up, they told us to pack but leave our
 was Chimjika. He was kind and helped me make my bed and
 unpack my luggage!   beds because of the inspection, and after that, we got the best room in our hostel. Then I ate

 As we entered, everyone went to their dorms to settle into   breakfast and lunch, did Islamiyyah, got my luggage, and went to the parking lot for pick up. It
 their rooms. Mahmoud and I shared a dorm with two other   was an interesting experience!
 students from Regent Primary School. We decided to use the
 computer to play games, and I asked one of the seniors what   JUSTIN ENE-TAWO
 we should do next. He told me we had to wait for the Regent
 Primary students to arrive. After a few minutes, he told me   My Experience at Regent Boarding School
 to wear my sports clothes because we were going for night   My experience at Regentregent was a very amazing expe-
 sports after prayers. Soon after, the Regent Primary School   rience for me. All the people were so nice and welcoming,
 students arrived, and everyone was ready for sports.   I also liked it when they offered to carry my bags to the
    dorms. , Aall of them were very very kind. The food was so

 Day 2   tasty, especially the French toast with syrup., I never knew
 After night sports the previous day, we were tired and wanted to sleep but didn’t have enough time   that syrup with French toast would be such a good combi-
 because they woke everyone up to pray by 5 a.m. I was exhausted and wanted to go back to sleep, but   nation, so I decided to get more French toast. Also, rRegent
 they woke me up. So, I prayed and went to sleep. By 7 a.m. we woke up for morning sports. After the   was so packed with fun activities to play that make sure you
 sports, we went to bathe, and after that, we went for breakfast and prep time (when you have an hour   never get bored while staying there. The costume party was
 to read and study or do your homework).   so fun because of all the funny combinations of clothes. I
 After that, we went for lunch and then afternoon clubs. I went for arts.   really enjoyed my stay and I think I want to go todo board-
 After that, we changed into our Crazy costumes for a crazy night. I made a lot of friends like Musa,

 Munir, Khalil, and Vendash.  ing school when I pass the entrance exams.
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