Page 4 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 21
P. 4

From The Principal’s Desk

                                                                The Fun Fair will begin at 10 am on Saturday and

                                                                will finish at 5 pm. Entrance for Regent students
                                                                and families is through the main gate and for
                                                                anyone not in the Regent School the entrance
                                                                is through the new car park. The students will
                                                                receive a wristband, which will  give them  ac-
                                                                cess to certain games and activities, but some
                                                                activities have to be paid for over and above

                                                                those covered by the wristband.  There will be
                                                                over 30 vendors selling food and refreshments
                                                                throughout the Fun Fair. One of the big attrac-
                                                                tions of the fair is the Raffle Draw. There will be
                                                                many prizes to be won. Make sure you buy your
                                                                raffle tickets either in advance or on the day it-

                       Robert Franklin                          In the evening, the highlight of the day will be a
                           Principal                            concert given by Young John. This will be pre-

                                                                ceded by presentations from Regent students
                                                                from the Secondary and the College. There
       Dear Parents,                                            will be a mixture of singing and dancing and a

                                                                wearable art fashion parade. The gate to the

           t is incredible that there are only two              concert will open at 7 pm and the concert pro-
           weeks of this half-term left. The term               gramme will begin at 7:15. If you have bought
      I seems to be going by so quickly.                        tickets for the concert, you should use those to
                                                                get  a  coloured  wristband  before  the  concert
      Thank you very much indeed to all the                     gates open. The concert will end at 9 pm.
      parents who came to the Coffee meeting
      last Friday. It was great to see so many                  This is the first Fun Fair to be held in four years.

      there and thank you all very much for your                Please come along and enjoy the fun!                                                                                             Be Original.
      questions and observations. The FoRSS
      were able to clarify many things about
      the Fun Fair coming up this Saturday. It                                                                                                                                                   Be You.
      promises to be a wonderful event and we
      hope that the whole Regent Community
      will be there.

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