Page 9 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 21
P. 9


 PRACTICE        our students
                 are not just playing
 COMPETITION     but participating

                 in a burgeoning

 n an exhilarating practice competition,   cultural
 students from The Regent Secondary

 I School engaged in a friendly competi-  phenomenon.
 tion with other COBIS schools globally, show-
 casing their prowess in popular games like
 Rocket League and Minecraft.

 This practice compeititon not only culti-
 vates camaraderie but also positions The

 Regent Secondary School at the forefront
 of the gaming scene. In a world where the
 gaming industry continues to soar, our stu-
 dents are not just playing but participating
 in a burgeoning cultural phenomenon.

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