Page 13 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 21
P. 13

STEM   From The    aculty  Teachers integrate practical tools and re-

 rom The
 Science Faculty
 Science F
       sources into the curriculum, creating an im-
 EDUCATION  mersive learning environment where students

       not only grasp theoretical concepts but also
       engage in hands-on, inquiry-based activities.

 Nurturing Tomorrow’s Scientists and Innovators  Practical sessions are thoughtfully designed to
       emphasise problem-solving, critical thinking,
 By Dr. Afekhai Patrick  and collaboration, reflecting the interdisciplin-
       ary nature of STEM fields. With a commitment

 The integration of technology is revolution-  to diversity and inclusion, the Regent Second-
 ising how students engage with STEM sub-  ary School prepares its students to become to-
 jects, with laboratory activities, simulations,   morrow’s scientists and innovators, equipped
 and interactive learning platforms, offer-  to  fit  into  the  rapidly  evolving  technological
 ing hands-on experiences to complement   World.
 traditional classroom learning.  The use of
 technology in STEM education is supported   Given the imminent future defined by techno-

 by organisations such as the (International   logical advancements and scientific discover-
 Society for Technology in Education, 2021).   ies, the significance of STEM education cannot
       be overstated.
 Additionally, STEM education is transition-
 ing towards project-based learning, where   Through nurturing a passion for inquiry, prob-
 students tackle real-world problems using   lem-solving, and collaboration, educators can
 interdisciplinary approaches, enhancing   cultivate a generation of scientists and inno-
 their  problem-solving  skills  and providing   vators  ready  to  confront  the  complex  chal-
 insights into the collaborative nature of sci-  lenges that lie ahead.

 entific  and  technological  advancements
 TEM education, which encompasses   (Buck Institute for Education, 2022).
 Science, Technology, Engineering, and                                                      Reference
 S Mathematics, plays a fundamental   At the Regent Secondary School, the ap-
 role in preparing students for the opportuni-  proach to teaching and practical science is   Buck Institute for Education (2022). What
 ties and challenges of the 21st century. Ac-  firmly rooted in STEM education, embodying   is Project-Based Learning?
 cording to the National Science Foundation   the principles of Science, Technology, Engi-  Retrieved from PBLWorks.

 (2022), a solid grounding in STEM cultivates   neering, and Mathematics.
 problem-solving abilities, critical thinking,                               International  Society  for  Technology  in
 and a deeper comprehension of the natural                                   Education (2021).  Standards for Students.
 world and technological advancements.                                       Retrieved from
                                                                             National Science Foundation (2022). Pre-
                                                                             paring the STEM Workforce of the Future.
                                                                             Retrieved from

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