Page 11 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 21
P. 11

Duke of                                                                          Duke of

 Edinburgh                                                                        Edinburgh

                                                                                       Exploration Journey

 Exploration Journey  This collaborative spirit extends beyond the
        club, fostering camaraderie and interpersonal

        After hiking for an hour we proceeded to have
        a snack break, interacting with other teams
        and sharing our experiences of the hike. Over-
        all, It was a fun experience, which created un-
        expected friendships and brought us together.

 e, the Duke of Edinburgh club,  had    Affiah Muhammed Dalhatu
 the joy of experiencing the explora-
 W tion journey aspect of the club. The
 adventurous journey serves a multifaceted

 purpose, aiming to instil self-reliance, pro-
 mote physical fitness, and cultivate a deep
 connection with the natural world. We en-
 gaged in the hiking aspect of the adventure
 journey. The adventurer’s journey was not
 just about physical endurance but served
 as a training ground for practical life skills.

 We learned navigation, map reading, and
 first aid, enriching our personal growth and
 preparedness for life’s challenges.

 Emphasizing teamwork, the journey requires
 us to unite as we played games and fos-
 tered our team’s bond as well as ensuring
 the safety of the entire group, never leaving
 a person behind during the hike.

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