Page 10 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 40
P. 10


                                                            UK UNIVERSITY

                                                            he journey from The Regent College and boarding

                                                            school to university in the UK has been transforma-
                                                    T tive, marked by significant personal and academic
                                                    growth. This transition broadened my horizons and offered
                                                    a unique perspective on educational systems, cultures,
                                                    and lifestyles.

                                                    At The Regent College, I built a strong foundation in core

                                                    subjects like mathematics, physics, and chemistry. The
                                                    rigorous curriculum, with high standards (merit at 60%),
                                                    pushed me to excel, which proved beneficial at university.

          AL-AMIN IDRIS                             The college emphasized critical thinking and prob-
                                                    lem-solving skills, crucial for adjusting to the independent

           1st Year Engineering Student             learning style at UK universities, where students explore
                                                    subjects in depth.
                at Aston University

                                                    Boarding at the College taught me self-reliance and
                                                    self-discipline, now essential for managing finances and
                                                    daily chores. I also developed important skills like time
                                                    management, independent study, and responsibility, vital
                                                    for balancing coursework, part-time employment, and
                                                    personal life.

                                                    The diverse community at the college allowed me to in-
                                                    teract with peers from various backgrounds, cultivating
                                                    an appreciation for different viewpoints. This experience is
                                                    invaluable for engaging in discussions and group projects
                                                    with students worldwide.

                                                    The Regent College provided a foundational experience,
                                                    equipping me with the tools to thrive in an interconnected

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