Page 13 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 40
P. 13

Medical Corner     steps to wash your hands

 Are Germs


 Heres The Right Way to

 Wash Your Hands

 • Enter  a  hospital,  doctor’s  office,  nursing

 home, or other healthcare setting
 • Clean and treat a cut, burn, or wound
 ashing your hands is vital to
 • Take medication, such as pills or eye drops
 prevent germ transmission, es-
 • Use public transportation, especially if you
 W pecially in situations like food
 touch railings and other surfaces
 preparation, eating, healthcare visits, us-
 • Touch your phone or other mobile device
 ing public transport, handling money,
 • Go to the grocery store.
 and touching surfaces or animals. Proper
 handwashing involves wetting hands, ap-
 After you:
 plying soap, lathering for 20 seconds, rins-
 • Cough, sneeze, or blow your nose
 ing, and drying thoroughly. This method
 • Touch visibly dirty surfaces, or when there’s
 helps stop the spread of viruses and other
 visible dirt on your hands
 germs effectively.
 • Handle money or receipts
 Washing your hands is particularly im-  • Have touched a gas pump handle, atm, el-
 portant when you’re in situations where   evator buttons, or pedestrian crossing but-

 you’re more likely to acquire or transmit   tons
 germs. This includes:  • Shake hands with others
 • Have used the bathroom
 Before And After You:  • Change diapers or clean bodily waste off
 • Before, during, and after you prepare   others
 food  • Touch or handle garbage
 • Consume foods or drinks  • Touch animals, animal feed, or waste

 • Are exposed to someone with an infec-  • Touch fertiliser
 tious illness  • Handle pet food or treats

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