Page 3 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 19
P. 3

CONTENT  From The Editorial Desk

         Valentine Thomas


 04          moment for those who                                  pressed their opinions and feelings about
 Editorial Desk  It was an electrifying                            The students of the Houses have ex-

                                                                   the Inter House Football Competition

                                                                   which was held last Saturday. It was an
 08  Principal’s Desk                   attended.                  electrifying moment for those who at-

                                                                   tended. You can find their articles and

                                                                   pictures on the following pages.
                     his week reminds me of sea
 Inter-School Football  T waves; sometimes, they billow
 Competition  13  in a raging fashion and at other times           In addition, you will be reading from the
                                                                   Mathematics Faculty this week. They have
             it calms down and afterwards it picks
                                                                   taken the opportunity to further educate
 From The    up again. That could be the best expla-               us about certain Mathematical concepts.
 14          present this week. Notwithstanding, there             Never mind, they have done well to write
 Mathematics Faculty
             nation for the not-so-many events to
                                                                   in words. However, if the communication
             are still things to talk about because the
                                                                   drifts to those weird symbols, I guess you
 16          The Armed Forces Remembrance Day                      This week’s edition of the Newsletter
 Open Day    characteristic hustle and bustle of The               know what to do.
             Regent Secondary School never ceases.

             was held in the school last Friday. The               promises to be as exciting as any other.
                                                                   Open the following pages and you will not
 Medical Corner
 18          enough to move one to tears, remem-                   stop until you reach the last page.
             presentations at the event were apt

             bering the loved ones (and even the

 20          Armed Forces Remembrance Day Spe-
 Term 2 Calendar  ‘unknown soldiers’) who sacrificed their
             lives to give us peace. Details are in the

             cial Edition which was published this

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