Page 5 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 19
P. 5

From The Principal’s Desk

        PTC DAY                                                     make the list and the accolades are highly

 lessons  specifically  targeted  at  them  before                  prized. It is an opportunity for the school to
         Thank you to all the parents who came in for the
 the school day even began. As from next week,                      celebrate and reward the hard work of our
         PTC Day. I hope that you found the sessions with
 we will be doing the same for the Year 9 stu-                      students.
         the teachers useful and insightful. It is very im-
 dents of concern to help them with the content
         portant that the school/home partnership  re-
 of the Checkpoint examinations coming up in                       LOOKING AHEAD
         mains strong and constructive so that your chil-
 April. The Year 11 Mock Examinations began on
         dren can reach their full potential.                       Looking ahead we have several events com-
 15th January. This is a very important stepping
                                                                    ing up. This weekend is Crazy Weekend, where
 stone on the journey to the actual IGCSE Exam-
        INTER-HOUSE FOOTBALL                                        children from the Primary School spend the
 inations. Teachers use the mock examinations
        COMPETITION                                                 weekend in our Boarding facilities. There are
 to target the revision sessions to areas where   On  Saturday  13th  January  the  Student  Council   many activities and fun events lined up for
 students need reinforcement.  organised the Inter-House Football Competition.   the children and the weekend allows them

         It was fiercely contested with some very strong            to experience what it is like to be a board-

 GEOGRAPHY FIELD TRIP  teams  taking  part.  In  the  end,  Benue  House   ing student at The Regent Secondary School.
         emerged as the overall winner.                             Also, this weekend we have the Inter-House
 Robert Franklin  On Saturday 6th January, the IGCSE students
 Principal                                                          Chess  Competition.  Next  Friday  there  is  a
 went on a Geography and Environmental Sci-
        INTER-HOUSE FOOTBALL                                        parent coffee morning to which all parents
 ence field trip to the Botanical Garden in Abu-
        COMPETITION                                                 are very cordially invited. On Saturday 27th
 Dear Parents,  ja  to  study  the  geographical  features  there.

 Many of the features found in the garden are   On Wednesday of this week, children and par-  January, we will be holding our first Entrance
 e have had a very busy and pro-  ents from The Regent Primary School and Abuja   Examination for Primary School applicants
 studied as part of the IGCSE syllabus.
 ductive start to the second term                                   applying for a place in Year 7 next academic
        Prep School came to TRSS for our Open Day. Par-
 W  and as well as a full academic pro-                             year and also that weekend there is a DofE
        ents and children were shown round the school
 gramme, there have also been a lot of events   ARMED FORCES REMEMBRANCE
        by our students and were able to see the facili-            Adventurous Journey.
 and activities in the first three weeks.  DAY ASSEMBLY
        ties that the school has to offer as well as seeing
 Last Friday we held the Armed Forces Remem-                        Finally, coming up on Saturday 3rd February
        the school in operation.
 ACADEMICS  brance Day Assembly. The Houses collected do-
                                                                    we have the Fun Fair. The FoRSS have been
 The term started productively with business   nations for the Nigerian Veteran Affairs Division   THE ACCOLADES ASSEMBLY  working hard to ensure that this year’s Fun

 as usual from the very beginning. From the   and as usual, a cheque was given to two wid-  Fair is a huge success. Please reserve this
         The Accolades Assembly took  place this  Fri-
 very first day, we ran the Year 11 Breakfast Club   ows selected by the Veterans Division. This year   day in your calendar as it promises to be an
         day to celebrate the academic achievements
 to help students of concern consolidate their   the donations were very generous and we raised   event that you cannot afford to miss.
         of  our  students.  There  is  fierce  competition  to
 knowledge and understanding by providing   over  3,000,000  Naira.  Thank  you  to  all  parents

 and staff who gave so generously.

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