Page 10 - The Regent Digest (Special 2024 Graduation Edition)
P. 10
DEPUTY HEAD BOY’S ADDRESS check up on me even when I asked you not to so thank you to George, Mama and Nora, I know
I have not been the best to have around but I’m
bother. Mr Adeodu for all your stories during lit-
erature class and all the Greek mythology sto- happy you never let me go, you may not be my
ries I became fond of. Ms Suzan for constantly mum by blood but you are by heart.
pushing me to be at my best making sure I gave
ood morning everyone, parents, board of my all even no matter the situation. Mr Kings for I want to thank the woman who gave me my life’s
the Regent school, friends and the class of being another father figure in my life, shower- blood, my mum for always being there for me
G2024. To start off I will be reading a stanza ing me with constant praises every time we saw and doing her best to give me everything I know
from one of my favourite poems called “IF” by Ru- AM THE CREATION each other in the hallways even at times I felt it hasn’t been easy doing it alone, I want you to
OF EVERYONE I forget you. Mr Okolo and Ms Decker for not only me and do not take anything you have done for
dyard Kipling ; like I did not deserve such, and I know I will never know I appreciate everything you have done for
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, being my house parents but council through- me for granted and I aim to make sure I show
Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch, HAVE EVER out my time in boarding, always trying to lead you that I appreciate it more often. My mother
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, me on a straight path when it seemed like I was never gave me any idea that I couldn’t do any-
If all men count with you, but none too much; INTERACTED WITH. going astray. Mr Ben and Mr Temitope for your thing I wanted to
If you can fill the unforgiving minute constant pep talks and impromptu rap battles
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, in the hostel, your bad jokes will be missed. do or be anything I wanted to be as long as I put
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, my all into it. Thank you for the late nights you
And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son! I want to thank our head of year Ms Amaka for spent every time I was sick. Thank you for the time
her relentless efforts to see us succeed, mak- you travelled all the way from Benin to Abuja on
Many of you know me as a performer, either ing sure we came to school with the right mind- short notice when I had Covid. Thank you for al-
through singing, dancing, acting, or from playing set to prepare for the day ahead, her coasting ways making ends meet during hard times. For
a musical instrument on stage, but above all I am around lockers making sure to punish anyone the long nights, you worked to make sure I had
the creation of everyone I have ever interacted who dared to go back to their lockers after the an education. I couldn’t have asked for a better
with. bell rang. And of course, I wouldn’t forget the mum to raise me and I just hope I could make
warrior himself Mr Akinola, I want to thank every you proud.
3 years ago I started my journey in this fine in- staff member I have met across the way, Mr On-
stitution not knowing what I would face and the akoya, Ms Mercy, Ms Maria, Ms Joy, Ms Kalu, Mr Thank you to the people who made me see life
challenges I would go through as I first entered Ageh, Mr Kingsley and so on. not just for its flaws but its beauty as well. Thank
these four walls. I want to thank everyone who has you for making my days much more bearable. I
helped me on my journey. I want to thank Mrs A for I want to thank most especially my aunt Ms Nosa will not forget the people I have met during my
giving me the opportunity to be accepted into this for welcoming me into her home at the start of stay here, Bahir, Afam, and Jamal I won’t forget
school which contributed to the progression of my my journey in The Regent Secondary School, our late night study breaks which turned into ex-
education. Mr Akin for being a father figure for me not knowing what challenges would come after, cuses for longer hours of gossiping, To the Obi
and always making time to give me advice when I for never giving up on me even when it proved boys Agabi, MJ, Ehi, Imran, Imam, Josiah, ADX,
needed it, thank you for not only being my teacher tiresome in trying to raise me, for helping me Azzyden and Maxime, I won’t forget the countless
but guidance. Ms Fasasi for her constant encour- become a little less awkward when talking and games of mafia we had in the common room
agement to make sure I succeeded in my aca- being able to open up to people more, for all the and impromptu rap or dance sessions anywhere
demics and for shouting at me every time I slept advice you’ve given to me even though it took along the school with no other music but Josiah’s
in math class. Ms Halima for always noticing me DEPUTY HEAD BOY a while before I listened, for giving me the best beatboxing.
on my bad days and constantly making efforts to brother and sisters I could have ever asked for