Page 15 - The Regent Digest (Special 2024 Graduation Edition)
P. 15
DEPUTY HEAD GIRL’S ADDRESS to make me laugh, even during those moments You made our time in boarding feel like a home
when I was convinced the world was ending,
away from home. To El-kanemi girls - my un-
and just for making me feel wanted. bending support system, the girls whom I’ve only
known for a few years, but have made memories
oday, we wear our blazers and sash- To Mrs. A, the school board, the distinguished to last lifetimes, and other boarders, especially
es not just as symbols of achievement, members of the Senior Management Team, all the year 11s and all the table members I’ve had
Tbut as a representation of the count- our teachers, and all the staff around here thank - who have become like family over the years,
less hours of hard work, perseverance, and, you for your commitment to excellence and I’ll remember countless memories we’ve shared,
yes, even a few all-nighters, that have brought your tireless efforts in creating an environment from late-night conversations to the silly mis-
us to this moment. where we could thrive intellectually, emotionally, chief we may have caused. Thank you for bring-
and socially. Thank you for all the sacrifices you ing me out of my shell and making me socialise
Let’s take a journey back to our first day driving made to see us excel, especially Mrs. Ogunlowo with people I never thought I’d speak to. I am for-
past those big blue gates. Remember when who sacrificed almost every Saturday for her Bi- ever grateful for the bonds we’ve created. I will
we were wide-eyed, navigating the maze of ology students. Game sessions in English class, forever miss night sports, dance competitions,
buildings, feeling a mix of excitement and ner- Geography fieldwork, Business presentations, master chef, and other boarding activities that
vousness? Little did we know that the friend- Maths competitions, Debates in Economics and have made us cherish our stay here.
ships we forged in those early days would Sociology contributed to the smooth running of
become the peak of our secondary school ex- our educational achievements. To our amazing parents, siblings, and other fam-
perience. From cramming for exams together ily members, you’ve been the endless source of
to pulling off epic pranks, we’ve shared laugh- To our beloved head of year, our ever-beauti- strength we could always rely on. Thank you for
ter, and sometimes even tears. The Regent fully dressed and charismatic soldier, Ms Ama- your undying love, encouragement, and sacrific-
School has come a long way in making us ad- ka, we want you to know that your endless es throughout our entire journey. We wouldn’t be
here to the core values; respect, responsibility, scolding and words of encouragement did not here today without you.
and resourcefulness. go to waste. And to the Year 11 team, Mr Kings,
Ms Fasasi, Ms Suzan, Mr Jatau, Mr Solomon and As we prepare to embark on the next chapter of
But it wasn’t just about the late-night study Mr Taiwo, who have been our mentors, advo- our lives, let us carry with us the lessons we’ve
sessions or the adrenaline rush of submit- cates, and buddies, we truly appreciate your learned within these walls. Let us embrace the
OFFICIALLY ting assignments just before the deadline. potential. Your wisdom and support have been unknown with courage, curiosity, and an unwav-
guidance, encouragement, and belief in our
ering belief in ourselves, as our Head of year will
It was about the moments in between - the
instrumental in shaping not just our academ-
always say “You are made for more”.
impromptu dance parties in the classes, the
SIGNING gist sessions during lunch times, and the quiet ic growth, but our personal development as To the support staff working tirelessly behind the
well, and my very own Form tutor, Mr Oludotun,
walks through the school building that made
OUT! us feel like we were part of something bigger whose goofy personality was indeed our main scenes, we extend our heartfelt thanks.
source of laughter. Too bad your one and only
To everyone who joined us in our joyous celebra-
than ourselves.
Fatiano is leaving.
Today, I want to recognise the most incredible tion today, we deeply appreciate your presence.
group of irreplaceable comrades who have To our boarding father, Mr Akinola, my hostel Me: This is the Regent Secondary School class of
FATI BUKAR ABBA fought and conquered this battle with me, parents, Mrs Decker and Mrs Rahmat, our ma- 2024, OFFICIALLY SIGNING OUT!
DEPUTY HEAD GIRL thank you for being my friends, handling my tron Nurse Dami, and all the other amazing
boarding staff, thank you for everything you do.
constant crankiness, and always knowing how