Page 28 - The Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 20
P. 28
FACULTY What is Mindfulness?
M indfulness is the practice of being fully present
and aware of the moment without judgment. It’s
a powerful way to manage stress, improve focus,
and build resilience. Pausing to reflect means stepping back,
breathing, and observing your actions or feelings without
Mind-wandering in task?” or “Was I kind in that conversation?” helps anyone
judgment. For example, asking, “Did I prepare well for this
navigate challenges, balance responsibilities with personal
the classroom growth, and develop a healthier mindset for success.
Do You you can try over the
By Mrs Esther Ajala, Assistant Vice Principal School Improvement. 3 Mindfulness exercises
esearch shows that when listening to a story, pupils’ minds weekend!
wander 20 to 30 percent of the time. So what can teachers
R do to get them back on track? The human brain is built to
Mindful Walking: Take a short walk outside, focusing on
be miserly. We continually hoard mental energy so that we are al-
each step and the sounds around you. As you walk, re-
ways ready to fulfil our evolutionary fight-or-flight needs. To save this flect on how the week went, letting your thoughts come
Ever Discover how mindfulness and go without judgment.
mental energy, we all engage in the act of mind-wandering which,
can help you find clarity,
as every teacher knows, can prove costly for pupils’ learning and re-
membering. Just reduce stress, and stay Journaling for Reflection: Take 10-15 minutes to write
present in the moment.
Recent research on mind wandering in secondary school students down your thoughts about the past week. Focus on mo-
ments you felt proud, stressed, or challenged. Reflect on
highlights its dual nature - while it can be a source of creativity or how you handled those moments and how you might We’d love to hear about
emotional relief, it more often impedes learning and academic suc- approach them differently next time. your experience if you tried
cess. Effective strategies to manage mind wandering, such as fos- any of these exercises! How
tering attention control, mindfulness, and active engagement, are did it make you feel? Feel
becoming increasingly important in educational contexts. Breathing with Intention: Find a quiet space, close your free to share your thoughts
and reflections with us by
eyes, and take slow, deep breaths. As you inhale, think
Students who view themselves as capable learners tend to experi- about what went well that week. As you exhale, release emailing studentsupdate@
ence less mind wandering. In contrast, students who doubt their ac- any stress or frustration you experienced. This exercise
we’re excited to hear from
ademic abilities may disengage more easily, allowing their minds to encourages positive reflection and helps create a sense
wander during tasks. of calm to end the week.