Page 53 - Blossoms 31 01052024
P. 53



 The music club enthusiastically resumed its activities for term three as the children immersed them-
 selves in playing musical instruments. Under the guidance of dedicated music teachers and assistants,
 the children embraced the joy of music-making and playing the xylophone. They learned to differen-
 tiate between different pitches and tones while playing the xylophone.

 Furthermore, they dedicated time to enhancing their auditory discrimination skills by learning the
 solfa notes of commonly sung nursery rhymes. Adults supported this process by ensuring they could

 recognize, compare, and distinguish between distinct sounds.

 Playing the xylophone involves striking the keys with mallets, which helps develop hand-eye coor-
 dination and fine motor skills. It also aids in recognizing patterns, following sequences, and under-
 standing cause and effect, all contributing to cognitive development in young children.

 As a result, this experience enhanced their self-confidence and instilled a sense of accomplishment
 in the children through their musical endeavours. Additionally, music plays a significant role in stim-
 ulating various brain areas and improving cognitive skills such as memory, problem-solving, and spa-
 tial-temporal abilities.

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