Page 10 - TRC February Newsletter
P. 10
The first half of term two results At the start of term two, our It is a few weeks to the end of term
are out for all students and we are University Foundation two examinations. In the tradition of
delighted with the improvement Programme (UFP) students excellence, the UFP team is leaving
that various students recorded. We began the first phase of their no stone unturned in ensuring that
commend the students for their research. That initial phase is now students attain complete success.
resilience and commitment to being concluded. The research is a
learning. critical part of the students’ Among other measures, booster
assessment because it counts classes are ongoing for students who
We equally appreciate our dear towards their final grade. need them. Daily and weekly tests
parents for their kind collaboration are also being used to help students
in ensuring the success of the We appreciate the unwavering prepare sufficiently to approach the
measures we put in place to provide support of our staff and our end of term two examinations.
extra support for the students. esteemed parents for lending their
support to the students’ success in We wish everyone success in their
This success is also emblematic of this regard. daily and weekly tests, as well as the
the professionalism of our entire upcoming end-of-term examinations.
team whom we are very proud of.