Page 5 - TRC February Newsletter
P. 5
Dr Jose Prasad
Acting Pirncipal
D ear Students, Our focus this term has I encourage all students As we navigate the challenges
a to actively engage in and opportunities that lie
Parents, and positive and inclusive their studies, participate ahead, let us remember the
Staff, learning environment in extracurricular strength of our community
where every student feels activities, and embrace and the resilience that comes
As the new term valued, supported, and opportunities for from working together.
proceeds at the Regent motivated to achieve personal growth.
College, Abuja, I extend their full potential. Likewise, I urge parents Together, we can overcome
warm compliments to to partner with us in any obstacle and achieve
every one of you. It is We will continue to nurturing the academic remarkable success. I look
with great pleasure that I uphold the high and social development forward to a productive and
assumed the role of academic standards that of our students and to rewarding term ahead, filled
Acting Principal, and I the Regent College, Abuja communicate openly with academic achievements,
am excited to work is known for, while also with our faculty and personal growth, and
alongside such a emphasizing holistic staff. memorable experiences.
dedicated and talented development and
community. character-building.