Page 9 - The Regent Digest Volume 13 Issue 27
P. 9



                                                                   Eliora Amenawon Onwuegbuzie (Year 9
                                                                   Senegal) relects on her experience partic-
                                                                   ipating in the Inter-House Mathematics

                                                                      ’ve always procrastinated about doing

                                                                      a  mathematics  competition,  always
                                                                   Ifinding reasons to put it off. I doubted
                                                                   myself, and I was just nervous, and I feared
                                                                   not doing well. But now that I’ve finally tak-
                                                                   en part in one, I realise it’s not as bad as
                                                                   I  thought.  I’m  not  saying  it  wasn’t  scary
                                                                   and tense because it absolutely was. The
                                                                   pressure of the ticking clock, the expecta-
                                                                   tions, and the challenge of solving tricky
                                                                   problems  under  a  very  little  time  made

                                                                   my heart race.
                     Click Here To                                 As the timer started for our very first ques-

                 Watch Highlights                                  tion, I had a moment of pure panic. With
                                                                   each  question  completed,  my  partner
           From The Inter-House                                    and  I  endured  the  stress,  and  before  we

                                                                   knew it, we were in the flow, focusing on
                     Mathematics                                   the  problems  rather  than  our  fears  and
                                                                   doubts. It wasn’t easy, but I kept going; we
                                                                   all did.
                      Competition                                  When I heard that my house, Senegal, had

                                                                   come first overall, every bit of stress and
                                                                   every  moment  of  doubt  completely  dis-
                                                                   appeared. In the end, I didn’t just survive

                                                                   the competition, I proved to myself that I
                                                                   was capable of more than I thought. Look-
                                                                   ing back, I’m so glad I didn’t let fear hold
                                                                   me back.

                                            THE REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL                                           9
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