Page 13 - Early Years NL wk 8
P. 13

Our Little Teapot
 Quality of Curriclum

 he curriculum and other activities are
 at least good in all or nearly all re-
 ole-playing “I’m a Little Teapot” at
 spects and are exemplary in significant
 the start of our Tea Party unit was
 Telements. It is broad, balanced, rele-
 Ran absolute delight! We tipped, we
 vant and innovative. It is directly relevant to pu-
 poured, and we giggled as we acted out
 pils’ needs. Pupils receive welljudged advice and
 the rhyme, just like real teapots. Dressed
 sound assistance to make important choices, to
 in our finest pretend tea party outfits, we
 prepare very well for the next stage in their lives.
 served imaginary tea, clinked our cups,
 Schemes of work show plans to challenge the
 and even practised polite manners.
 most able as well as to support those with spe-
 With fancy cups, tasty treats, and lots
 cial needs, and there is clear progression in the
 of laughter. It was a magical time filled
 activities planned for year groups.
 with fun, friendship, and imagination!

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