Page 2 - Early Years NL wk 8
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                                                                  03                                                              FROM THE HEADMASTER’S DESK

                                                                Editor’s Note
            FROM THE HEADMASTER’S DESK                                                                  03                                                         Dear Parents and Students,

                                                                  04                    Journalists at

                                                                                        the Scene
            OUR LITTLE TEAPOT                                                                           12                                                         In today’s digital age, children are interacting with technology

                                                               Headmaster’s            12                                                                          from an increasingly young age. While the internet provides
                                                                                                                                                                   wonderful opportunities for learning and engagement, it also
            LISTEN, DOT, AND LEARN                                                      Discovering 3D                                                             presents risks that we must address to ensure our children’s
                                                                                                                                                                   safety. As educators and parents, it is our shared responsibility
                                                                    10                  Shapes                                                                     to  instill  safe  and  responsible  online  habits  in  our  youngest

            NUMBER PAIRING                                                                              16

                                                                 Features of a         16                                                                          Understanding the Risks
                                                                                                                                                                   Young children are naturally curious and eager to explore,
            DOUBLE THE FUN                               Newspaper Report              How the Skeleton                                                                          making them particularly vulnerable online. Without proper
                                                                                                                                  guidance, they may encounter inappropriate content, engage in unsafe communication,
                                                                    14                 Supports Movement                          or unknowingly share personal information. Even seemingly harmless apps and websites

                                                                                                                                  can pose hidden risks, such as targeted advertising or exposure to unsuitable material.
            MAGNETIC WORDS                                                                              20

                                                              Measurements                                                        Developing Good Digital Habits
                                                                                                                                  At school, we introduce foundational digital literacy skills to help children navigate
            BUILDING 3D SHAPES                                                         20               22                        technology safely. However, online safety begins at home. Here are some key strategies

                                                                                                                                  for supporting young children in their digital experiences:
                                                                    18                 Inter-School Football                      1. Supervised Usage – Always monitor your child’s screen time. Choose age-appropriate
            JUNGLE EXPLORERS                                                                            24                        websites and apps, and engage with them during their online activities.

                                                               Map Keys and                                                       2. Set Boundaries – Establish clear rules about when, where, and for how long children
                                                                      Symbols                                                     can use digital devices.

            INTERNET SAFETY DAY                                                         2626                                      3. Parental Controls – Make use of parental controls and privacy settings on devices,
                                                                  24                                                              4. Open Conversations – Talk to your child about their online experiences. Encourage
                                                                                        The Regent Alumnus
                                                                                                                                  browsers, and apps to limit access to unsuitable content.

            THE NURSE’S CORNER                                                                          30                        them to ask questions and discuss any concerns they may have.
                                                      The Regent Recyclers               32                                       5. Teach Personal Information Protection – Help children understand the importance
                                                                                                                                  of not sharing personal details, such as their name, school, or location, online.

            TERM CALENDAR                                                               Term Calendar                             6. Encourage Offline Activities – Balance screen time with offline play, reading, and
                                                                                                                                  family interactions to promote a healthy relationship with technology.

         2                                       THE REGENT SCHOOL                                                2                                                        THE REGENT SCHOOL                                                 3
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