Page 28 - The Regent Newsletter week 8
P. 28


                                                                                                                                       We are committed to transparency and will communicate the total amount

                                                                                                                                       raised during the project to all parents once the event is concluded. This en-
                                                        This initiative is designed to make a                                          sures that you are kept informed of the impact your generosity has made.

                                                        significant impact on the lives of less

                                                        privileged children, providing them with                                       For further information, feel free to ask a prefect during break time or con-

                                                        essential items and a sense of care from our                                   sult a teacher. Additionally, if you have any ideas or suggestions on how we

                                                        community.                                                                     can enhance our project, we would love to hear from you. Your involvement

                                                                                                                                       and feedback are crucial to the success of our efforts.

                                                        The event, which includes a fun day will help
               Amina Zakari                                                                                                            Thank you for your continued support and generosity. Together, we can
                                                        us achieve our aim of providing meaningful
            Humanitarian Prefect 2                                                                                                     make a positive difference in the lives of many children.
                                                        community service. Your contributions would

       As we all know, the Year 6                       greatly benefit the cause and bring joy to these                               Warm regards,
       leavers’ project is coming up,                   children.                                                                       

       and each year, we dedicate our
       efforts to a charitable cause.                                                                                                  Amina Zakari

       Last year, the prefects                          Please ensure that your donations are in good                                  Humanitarian Prefect 2

       renovated the Gishiri LEA                        condition and not worn out or tattered.
       Primary School. This year, we                    Collections for the project are still ongoing,                                                                    Our goal is to raise

       are shifting our focus to                        and we appreciate any further donations you                                                                          approximately

       community service by address-                    can provide. Every item, no matter how small,                                                                N10, 000,000 (Ten million
       ing the needs of children in our

       community.                                       will make a difference and is greatly valued.                                                                Naira), which will greatly
                                                                                                                                                        contribute to our community service efforts.

       We will be donating items such

       as food, cash, accessories,
       stationery, toys, clothing, shoes,

       uniforms, and books to the

       LEA Primary School in Dawaki
       and the LEA Primary School in


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