Page 4 - The Regent Newsletter week 8
P. 4

get priority when arrangign classes. If you
    have not yet filled in the form I would
    encourage you to do so as we have over 60
    children across the year groups looking to join
    our family next year. Assessments for these
    children are already beginning and offers will
    start going out shortly in year groups where
    parents have not indicated a desire to reenroll
    next year.

    As we embark on the final part of our journey
    this year, I would like to take this opportunity
    to thank you all for your support. Parent
    contributions to our school community are an
    intgral part of why we are so successful and
    we appreciate the time you give in ensure
    that we continue to excel.

    Shaun Stockden - Headmaster                                                                 WELCOME TO TERM 3.2

          Events this term are
           not just about Year

            6 though. We also

         have our Kind Hearts

            Day in Early Years,

              which combined

         with the spelling bee.

                                                                                                WELCOME TO TERM 3.2

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