Page 12 - Book Week 2024 Special Edition Digest
P. 12


                                                                                                                                   d                         A Poem by Ngozi Ada Jessica Chukueke  | Year 10 Benue

                                                                                                                                                                                         12 Feet deep,
                                                                                                                                                                                          Head down,

                                                                                                                                                                         Friends and foes nowhere to be found,
                                                 ave you ever had a strong desire to accomplish some-
                                                 thing that you are willing to do? To do  ANYTHING to put                                                                             You’re out of luck,
                                         H an end to what might prevent you from achieving your                                        R                                           The clock goes tic-toc,

                                          goal? Welcome to an enchanting journey through the world of                                                                           And your life’s on the line,
                                          Macbeth. The story of Macbeth is a story of ambition, trage-                                                     To the point it almost feels more painful than breaking your
                                          dy, and the supernatural and in this article, we’ll retell Shake-                                                                                   spine.
                                          speare’s tragic masterpiece.
                                                                                                                                    o                                         Bubbles twirl round your head,

                                          BOOM! BANG! Three witches, known as the Weird sisters, spot                                                                       Your eyes are now blood-shot red,
                                          a dark-haired man dressed in noble garments as he appears
                                                                                                                                                                                      You’re drowning,
                                          from the shadows with his companion and friend, Banquo.
                                          They sense Macbeth’s ambition and decide to trick him. They                                   W                                        And no. You can’t scream.
                                          predict his future hailing him with three different titles: Thane
                                          of Glamis (his current title), Thane of Cawdor (a title he doesn’t                                                                        You need to breathe,
                                                                                                                                          N                                     And now you can barely see,
                                          yet possess), and future King of Scotland.                                                                                                    You can’t leave,

                                          Macbeth, led by the prophecy, becomes eager to become the                                                        Oh goodness you wish you never crossed paths with the sea.
                                          new king of Scotland and exceeds boundaries by killing King                                       I
                                          Duncan. Macbeth finally gets his golden ticket and becomes

                                          the new king of Scotland. Blinded by greed, Macbeth kills his                                                                               Say a quick prayer,
                                          friend, Banquo because his sons were said to be the next kings                                    N                                          Close your eyes,
                                          of Scotland.                                                                                                                               And count to three,
                                                                                                                                           G                                               1..2..3….,

                                          Macbeth is haunted for DAYS  by Banquo’s bloody ghost. Fi-                                                                                 Now you feel weak,
                                          nally, the corrupt rule of Macbeth is over. How? Macduff, King                                                                              You begin to sink,
                                          Duncan’s son, slains Macbeth and ends the tyrannical rule of                                                                   And you can barely attempt to scream,

                                          Scotland’s vile king.                                                                                                                      You become heavy,
                         7 SENEGAL                                                                                                                                           And you begin to lose reality….
                                          Macbeth serves as an example of what greed and ambition
         (THE REGENT DIGEST CLUB)                                                                                                                                                     You’re drowning.
                                          can lead to and reminds us of the consequences of our darkest

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