Page 17 - Book Week 2024 Special Edition Digest
P. 17

The Facades of Royalty  She found herself right   Hetty’s eyes drilled into the    The shadow brought a can-

         in front of the painting,            picture. The queen had never          dle up to its face and Hetty
 A Story by Chizaram Opara  | Year 10 Volta
         hands clammy with sweat              mentioned the man in it and           recognized him as the man
 beauty walking in front of her,   found herself in an unfamil-  and  breaths so  strained  they   no one in the castle had spo-  in  the  painting.  Those  misty
 she  who  was  graced  with  the   iar corridor, although she was   pierced through her lungs.   ken of a king. But, no one in   eyes made Hetty uneasy - al-

 poise Hetty could only dream   sure she had been on her way   Queen Mary Anne has been   the castle had really spoken to   most like he could see right
 of having.  to the tea room just a second   painted beautifully: her icy   her at all. With shaky hands -   through her. ”Who’s there?”
 ago.    blue eyes which seemed to            trembling from the cold, only         he called, in a voice about as
 “Hetty,” the word rolled out   freeze everything in their path   they seemed to feel - she ad-  audible as a single snowflake’s
 of Queen Mary-Anne, bathed   The corridor in question was   were captured with artistic fi-  justed the painting.  descent. “Hello?”
 in a thick Victorian accent,”   lined with portraits (all paint-  nesse; every bordeaux frill of
 etty trembled as she   Be a dear and fetch me some   ings of monarchs before her   her crimson gown was an at-  “There,” she muttered, as a   Light tapping sounds of some
 scuttled behind the   tea. I am parched.” With her   master) Even in their still,   traction in its own right; and   breath she didn’t realise was   sort of rod confirmed her
 Hqueen. The contrast   mind still half clouded, the   lifeless photos, they demand-  her crown twinkled like a halo   trapped within her escaped.   suspicions. The ‘king’ was

 between the two could be seen   maiden girl set Her Majesty   ed more respect than Hetty   - a delightful contrast to the   “Just right.” Hetty snatched   blind. Hetty couldn’t bring
 from a mile away. Dark flow-  upon the velvety cushions of   had ever earned in her life. A   queen’s ghostly, expression-  her hand away like a fright-  herself to respond - not with
 ing hair on a ghostly white   the rose-gold, glinting dining   sick feeling bubbled under her   less face. But it wasn’t Mary-  ened rabbit as the picture be-  the questions bubbling inside
 face, that belonged to a body   chair and ambled off to the tea   skin - she was a misfit, incon-  Anne’s portrait that caught   gan to cave in.   her. Who was this man? And if
 with slender limbs and a ball   room.  gruous with the suffocating   Hetty’s eyes. Beside the queen   he was king, why was he in the
 gown so emphasised that Het-  air of royalty that enveloped   was a man, clad in a sapphire   Pandemonium  erupted  in-  walls of his own castle?
 ty was surprised by how well   The  dining  and  tea  room  -   the entire castle.  She turned   imperial mantle, studded with   side of her, a wave of anxious

 it blended with the corset   like every room in the palace   to leave…… but something   what Hetty believed to be dia-  thoughts flooding her mind.  The  maiden  girl found  her-
 (which seemed to be stran-  - carried an aura of royalty so   stopped her.  monds.  The painting creaked to a   self overwhelmed as her knees
 gling the queen).  overpowering that one almost   halt, leaving a wide, open       buckled beneath her as her
 succumbed to the thought of   At the very end of the corri-  The  man’s smoky hair  was   path in the stone walls. Dim   thoughts buzzed in her ears.
 ‘Blemishes’ emphasised them-  bowing  before  entering.  In-  dor was the most recent royal   perfectly coiffed and his elab-  lights attempted to brighten   In one frail motion, she found
 selves in her mind making her   tricate ornaments were placed   portrait. Maybe it was because   orate crown sat atop it with   the glowering darkness of the   herself in the arms of this
 painfully aware of their pres-  on every table, twinkling like   of the hazel sheen emanating   such hubris it was a reflection   path and Hetty found herself   strange man. She hadn’t real-
 ence - the way her chin jutted   little stars when the teasing   from the frame as it caught   of regality at its finest. His   enchanted by them, stum-  ised how close she was to him
 out, and her eyes seemed to   rays of light flooded into the   the only beam of light in the   eyes were a misty storm (the   bling towards them in an irre-  due to his soft voice.

 squash up against  her  nose;   room from the stained-glass   corridor (which was sprinkled   focal point of his ethereal, al-  sistible trance.
 her flaming hair that sat atop   window dome above.  with darkness). Maybe it was   luring face) and his lips - vi-  A shadow swept past her, pull-  She took one last baleful look
 her head like a whirlwind; and   because it was the only picture   brant  red  and  piquant-  were   ing her back into reality. Het-  at him - her expression remi-
 her  burly  arms  -  reddened   The ‘poor’ maiden girl, as   not aligned with the others.   curled into a subtle smile.   ty prepared to scream - her   niscent of a deer in headlights.
 from work, they all chose to-  she was often referred to, had   Whatever it was, Hetty found   Hetty had never seen a royal   hair stood on end and her eyes   Her vision faded into oblivi-
 day to make her insecure.   been at the palace for mere-  her legs edging towards the   smile and she thought it was   grew rounder than plates.  on, the last bits of energy in
 She sighed deeply as her eyes   ly two weeks and her naivety   portrait - her control on them   a pleasant touch to his cherry,   her, completely drained.

 drank in the quintessence of   tended to precede her. She   negligible at this point.  cherubim cheeks.

 THE REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL  16 16         THE REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL                                           17
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