Page 27 - Blossoms 27 20032024
P. 27


 This week, the students in Years 3 to 6 completed their Control Tests! Were they nervous? Yes, who wouldn’t?
 Even as adults, we often cringe at writing exams, whether for a promotion at work or an educational qualifica-
 In Abuja Prep, we mentally prepare the students in Key Stage 2 for the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint Exams
 in Primary Six, the end of the Cambridge Primary Pathway for students aged 5 to 11. Every term, the students
 write control tests, and then in the last term of each year group, they write the progress test, which gives them a
 clear understanding of how questions are set for the Checkpoint Exams in Year 6.
 In Year 6, students are now ready to write the Checkpoint Exams. The Checkpoints are internationally benched
 marked exams that students worldwide write simultaneously. These exams comprise Maths, English, and Sci-

 We put the Year 6 students through the Checkpoint scenario under exam conditions. We set the hall up as it
 would be and provided them with identification numbers, which they will use during the exams. Each student is
 called into the hall using an attendance sheet. Once in the hall, they sit at their tables and cannot share or bor-
 row any writing materials. They are given clear exam instructions and asked to start at a set time. There is strict
 adherence to timing, and no extra minute is given. The students were anxious on the first day but subsequently
 got used to the experience of writing exams in a different setting.

 It is crucial to understand the importance of utilising the time allocated during exams. Students often waste time
 on a particular question and forget that 20 more are waiting. We talk about keeping to time, which we do all the
 time. We also encourage you to help your child understand the value of time at home. Setting time limits is a
 perfect example of how to help with this, either during homework time, showering, or finishing their meals.
 We are proud of the hard work of all the students in Years 3 to 6 in their exams, and we know they will have
 great results at the end of the term.

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