Page 15 - Upper Primary NL wk 3 New
P. 15

Quality of Curriclum
 Library Adventures

 he curriculum and other activities are
 at least good in all or nearly all re-
 spects and are exemplary in significant
 Telements. It is broad, balanced, rele-
 his  week, students borrowed
 vant and innovative. It is directly relevant to pu-
 books from the library and
 pils’ needs. Pupils receive welljudged advice and
 Tdelved  into  the  world  of
 sound assistance to make important choices, to
 storytelling. Guided discussions helped
 prepare very well for the next stage in their lives.
 them identify and analyse  key story
 Schemes of work show plans to challenge the
 elements like characters, setting, plot,
 most able as well as to support those with spe-
 conflict, and resolution. With the aid of
 cial needs, and there is clear progression in the
 their tablets, they watched engaging
 activities planned for year groups.
 videos and completed quizzes to
 deepen their understanding of how
 these elements shape a narrative.

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