Page 13 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 37
P. 13

Journée                                                            Française


 22ND MAY, 2024

 French Day Frenzy

 Article By Lamisa Rakhmanova | Year 10 Volta

 onjour, mes amis! Rakhmanova Lamisa here, a Year 10 Volta
 student who just braved the thrilling battlefield of... French
 BDay! Forget textbooks and tests, this was a full-on immersion
 into all things French.

 The Assembly Hall buzzed like an Ivorian market as we dived head-
 first into interactive games. Laughter echoed through the room, a tes-
 tament to the infectious fun. We even had a taste of France itself – hot
 chocolate so rich it could have been smuggled straight from a quaint
 Parisian cafe (though a buttery croissant on the side would have been
 magnifique!) as well as beautiful and energetic dance routines by Year
 8 and 9 students. I never knew the French had such fantastic danceable songs.

 Speaking of battles, the Teachers vs Students basketball showdown was a spectacle.
 Dunks (well, maybe more like jump shots) flew, cheers erupted, and a few surprising
 skills were revealed (turns out Mr. Arthur has a hidden layup!). It was a close call, but
 the competitive spirit was truly what made it a slam dunk (pun intended).

 But the real pièce de résistance, the cherry on top of the Eiffel Tower, would have to
 be... mufti day! Imagine a school hallway transformed – a kaleidoscope of colours
 and styles, a celebration of individuality, all under the banner of French flair. Can’t
 you just picture it? Next year, mes amis, next year!

 Overall, French Day was a delightful whirlwind. From the assembly antics to the
 delightful bites, it was a day that ignited our love for the language and culture. Let’s
 not forget the behind-the-scenes magic – the joy of collaborating with my classmates
 (Year 10 French students) to create the program, a chance to unleash our inner cre-
 ative Francophile.

 And Armaghan Atta from Year 10 Senegal agrees! He echoes the sentiment, praising
 the assembly games, the delicious hot chocolate (and yes, the missing croissants!),
 and the unexpected talents unearthed during the basketball game.
 French Day wasn’t just about learning, it was about experiencing the language in all
 its vibrancy.

 Until next year, au revoir!

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