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A Message from

                                            MRS. DYER

                                            HEAD OF SCHOOL

                Dear Parents,

                We are almost at the end of the term and still have many exciting things com-
                ing up before we say farewell to 2024. Congratulations to our Key Stage 2 pu-
                pils, who have made us proud over the last week, completing their end-of-term                                 Most of the work they miss is never made up, which can lead to gaps in their learning.
                control tests with dedication and determination. We had an exciting day today                                 Poor attendance can begin at the primary school level, and children who develop this

                with our Year 3 Roman Day. Photos of this come next week.                                                     habit are often at a greater risk of underperforming academically in secondary school.
                We look forward to seeing you all at The Regent Secondary School on Saturday                                  Research indicates that students who miss between 10% and 20% of school days—
                for our International Day of Food and Culture. It promises to be an exciting                                  equating to around 20 to 40 days per academic year—have only a 35% chance of
                day.                                                                                                          achieving five or more good GCSEs. In contrast, those who miss fewer than 5% of

                                                                                                                              school days have a much higher success rate of 73%.
                Still, to come, we have: -                                                                                    Additionally, persistent absences can negatively impact a child’s ability to form friend-
                •      Friday 6th December – Reports to parents                                                               ships. Students who frequently miss school may struggle to build relationships with
                •      Saturday 7th December, 9 am - International Day of Food and Culture                                    their classmates, isolating them socially.

                       held at the REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL, Mabushi.
                •      Tuesday 10th / Wednesday 11th – Parent Teacher Conferences.                                            100% Attendance
                •      Thursday 12th December – Early Years Teddy Bears Picnic.                                               Excellent attendance! These pupils will almost certainly get the best grades they can,
                •      Friday 13th December – End of term, school closes at 11 am.                                            leading to better prospects for the future. Pupils will also get into the habit of attending

                Children’s reports will go out on Friday,6th December. You will receive your                                  school regularly.
                child’s attendance for the term. Regular attendance in school is essential for
                your child’s progress. Please take action if your child’s attendance has fallen                               Above 95%: Less than 10 days absence a year
                behind.                                                                                                       These pupils are likely to achieve good grades and form a habit of attending school

                School Attendance
                Missing a few days of school here and there may not seem like a big deal, but                                 93% Attendance 14 days of school missed
                research shows that it can significantly impact children’s learning.                                          These pupils are at risk of missing a significant amount of learning, which will affect

                Children who miss a substantial amount of school fall behind their peers and                                  their progress.
                struggle to catch up.

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