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90% Attendance 20 days of school missed
It is important to note that these students have missed a significant amount of
learning, which may hinder their ability to catch up effectively. This lack of engage-
ment can adversely impact their academic progress and may lead to the develop-
ment of negative habits that could carry over into their secondary school experi-
85% Attendance 20 days of school missed
This absenteeism raises serious concerns, as it significantly hinders their learning
and makes it difficult to catch up with their peers. Such extended absences can have
a lasting impact on their academic progress and may lead to the development of
poor habits that could affect their performance in secondary school.
The benefits for children with good attendance and punctuality include:
• Higher motivation to learn and attend school
• More confidence in themselves and their learning
• Greater opportunities to experience extra-curricular opportunities available to At Abuja Prep, we open our gates at 7:25 to allow children time to get to class and
them at school greet their teacher and friends, ready for the day. During this time, teachers set up
• Positive self-esteem that comes with knowing they have achieved their best at activities to practice skills and get children ready to learn.
• The ability to make and maintain strong friendships At 8 am, we lock the school gates. Any child arriving after this time will not be
Studies indicate that children who experience frequent absenteeism in school tend admitted to school. Occasionally, there may be a legitimate reason your child might
to face significant challenges later in life. Consistent attendance is crucial for aca- arrive late, such as a broken-down vehicle or a medical appointment. In this situa-
demic success and overall development. tion, inform Mrs Ajayi by 7:30 to tell us, and we will be ready to receive them.
They often: At 8 o’clock the first lesson of the day begins. Every child from Reception to
• find it harder to make and maintain friendships Year 6 starts with phonics or spelling. The children are streamed for phonics and
• are less likely to achieve good grades/qualifications spelling, so they go to a different room for this lesson. If your child arrives after 8
• earn lower wages o’clock, by the time they have reached class, put their belongings away and found
• have a higher chance of being unemployed their room, they would have missed most of this lesson. As this lesson happens
• have lower motivation and self-esteem and less confidence in school than their daily from 8:00-8:30, arriving on time is essential for their progress.
If you are concerned about your child’s attendance, please make an appointment to
Punctuality see your child’s teacher.
What is the importance of punctuality for students? Children need punctuality as it
gives them stability, security, and self-confidence. Being unpunctual is always seen as Have a great week, everyone.
a potential red flag for several reasons. A child’s success in school and life ultimately
depends on having a solid academic background through punctuality. Kind Regards
Dominique Dyer.