Page 68 - Digital Cornice Grade 9
P. 68

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                    “ May (YOU) Climb From Peak To Peak”

                                                                                -HMI Darjeeling

               The next day, after hiking for 17km, we reached  On the final day at HMI, we tired ourselves with
               Kaijalay around 5 pm. We slept at the hostel in  obstacles and climbing competitions. Our closing
               hopes to reach Singla the next day.             ceremony is worth remembering for many as
               There, we had a cooking competition where  my friends stole away the medals (all jokes.They
               each patrol cooked with the groceries that were  deserved it).
               provided. We had loads of games and the best  Holding the precious memories  close to our
               part was lighting a fire with daura. We were  hearts, we bid farewell to HMI.  When we
               struggling, tearing up from the smoke and it is  reached school, we gave the long-awaited hugs
               now a funny memory to reminisce.                to our families.

               As the sun set and rose again, we were energized  And now, with much-cherished joy, we too have
               and  ready  for  water  sports.  After  doing  a  thrilling stories to tell the younger generations.
               cross country competition, we did zipline and
               rappelling which was absolutely exhilarating.
               We swam and went kayaking but the cold soon
               caught up to us. By the time we’d all finished, we
               were shivering uncontrollably. The warmth of the
               campfire heated our souls and we shouted and
               danced our hearts away.
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